7 Sites You’ve Got to Check Out About Journaling!

It’s mid-year.  Okay, a squoosh past mid-year.  Are you where you want to be with your writing goals?  No?  Yes?  Then, why not keep a journal?  Even if you are where you should be/want to be with your writing goals, maybe there are some articles you can read, that can help you excel even more so your WIP can be completed that much faster.  [Dare you hope!]

Here are some great writing tips, blog posts and websites that can share some info that may just be the inspiration you need to get going better, faster and more efficiently via journal writing.  Or, maybe these posts can help you to just get going! 🙂

  1. Writing Forward: This eight-year-old website has TONS of great writerly information to share including a really wonderful piece about descriptive writing.
  2. A great post about the healthy psychological benefits of journal writing specifically for military veterans: http://www.realwarriors.net/veterans/treatment/journaling.php.
  3. Writing to Heal – more on the benefits of journal writing to help us build a healthier immune system by the American Psychological Association (APA). (Who would have thunk it? That thing we do instead of sleep is actually good for us in some way!)
  4. Keeping a Journal to Remember Events – ‘nuf said.
  5. Dawn Herring is a Journaling Guru! Follow her site Refresh so that you can receive prompts & find inspiration for journaling from a new and different perspective.
  6. How and Why You Should Start a Daily Positive Journal – This is just in case you don’t journal…
  7. And for the last one, I couldn’t leave out a nod to the age-old discussion of paper?  Or, computer/laptop?  Here’s a recent study that may shed some factual information that you may, or may not!, like – http://www.medicaldaily.com/why-using-pen-and-paper-not-laptops-boosts-memory-writing-notes-helps-recall-concepts-ability-268770.

Ta-ta for now,


4 thoughts on “7 Sites You’ve Got to Check Out About Journaling!

  1. I need to check these out. I have begun jounaling this year. I use a Kindle app. I hadn’t journaled since high school and it was a little awkward at first. But now, it’s the first writing I do every day.


    • It’s true…initially journaling does seem to be counterproductive. We’re writers. We should be adding words to our WIPs instead. However, after decades of journaling (I have over 60 notebooks) I can say that getting the ‘garbage’ words out is important. Once your mental chatter is appeased the real words can come. I know I read about this concept in “Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart” by Julia Cameron (Author of THE ARTIST’s WAY). I wholeheartedly concur! I Wish you ever flowing word-ery!


  2. Great resources! Journaling is a fantastic tool for writers, I used to be quite good about doing this every day, but fell out of the habit. Maybe I’ll try to pick it back up again, just for ten minutes every couple days.


    • Hi Connie! And yes, it is a great tool. I love the quietude of sitting with my journal & putting thoughts down. It’s freeing. I know it’s for me and me alone so I can be as silly, or serious as I want. As a writer, this is the best type of writing — writing with no strings attached to it.

      I hope you do get back to it even if only for 2 minutes a day!

      Thanks for stopping by.


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